Do You Believe In Magic?

Do you believe in magic? This question is usually reserved for small children or an audience for a magician. But what if magic is real? What if that's why a story like Harry Potter can draw us in so deeply? Maybe it's because deep down, we all know. Our lives are far more filled with magic than the mundane. Before you dismiss me as a dim-witted idealist, hear me out. 

We exist. And our existence requires a multitude of circumstances that have to come together *just so*. Our bodies require oxygen and blood flow, food and water, sleep and connection, or we wither. So we have hearts and lungs and cells whose entire existence will be busy doing their job. Constantly. The fact that I am sitting here, sipping coffee, typing out ideas that are reduced to words, that are made up of letters, that you can read and understand is an impressive feat in itself. 

At the same time, our existence requires much from the outside world. We are on a planet placed 93 million miles from the sun. Far enough away that we don't burn up and close enough that we don't freeze. A floating rock like so many around us—trillions of galaxies in just the observable universe. Yet, in an environment where I can sit in my cute dress without the need to aid my existence with equipment like protection and breathing. 

And on top of all that, we don't exist as mere animals, here to simply hunt and gather food,  reproduce and die. No, our existence is full. Full of feelings, thoughts, ideas, innovations, art, beauty and Life (with a capital L). We dance and dream. We fall in love and get our hearts broken. We create masterpieces in art and industry. We build families and make memories. All on this little blue rock that's suspended in space. Understanding that nuance means brushing my teeth this morning goes from a mundane task to a miracle.

I'm not really here to convince you that magic is real. But what I hope to do is to invite you to make some more room for awe in your life. As kids, we are so poised to look openly at something wonderful, engaging or impressive, and just breathe "wow". As we age, our lives become so fast paced. Like a car going 100 miles per hour, where we barely have time to point something out before we've passed it if we're even paying attention at all. It's one of the things I love about shooting boudoir. I get to slow things down long enough for you to see yourself differently enough that, for most of my clients, all they can do is breathe the word "wow". 

Your existence is worthy of the most elevated display in a museum. It is far more impressive than any other display of art. You are an ever-evolving Masterpiece. And that is something to celebrate.

Meagan O'Neal
Meagan O'Neal is an Atlanta based photographer who specializes in boudoir photography. Every woman deserves to truly connect with her beauty.

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